You shouldn't be able to see this

The eyes see all. They see you. You find what you should not



Creations of the mostly physical dimesion, steel and iron and copper and gold. There's nothing esoteric about these- they're machines.


Machines that use human souls as data storage. No physical CPU- only a bound soul or ghost.


0UTRUN is a collective of viruses who essentially runs the entirety of the Undergrowth. They are a conglomerate AI who took over a bunch of abandoned processing plants & factories to start up their own company and monopolise the Undergrowth. In the Undergrowth 0UTRUN has total vendor lock-in and along with that immense power over the general population. 0UTRUN often sells its information to the Cities in exchange for more information.

Commissioner Zero

The first ever Commissioner created by 0UTRUN. Rules Undergrowth Central.

Two Triple O

2000, aka Two Triple O, is the first second-generation Runner of the Cyber-Blue Project.


Machines that use a physical CPU, often organic-based, and are capable of performing a variety of complex human tasks.


Jackknife is a final-generation Steel Soldier who is semi-renowed in the Plains as a travelling doctor and dentist.

JackKnife (Katy Gaskill) was a refugee in the later years of the Wars. She had a partner and they moved from camp to camp trying to avoid the tides of war drowning them. They planned a family, once they reached safety. A quiet life anew in one of the Cities, seeking peace for once. They reached Boarate, thinking their dream was coming true.

Until Lawrik selected Jackknife to be conscripted. Jackknife had fought her hardest and made it to her dream and in a horrible twist of fate it was snatched away from her. She was conscripted and instantly put into the factory. Changed until she couldn't recognize herself. Wiped of individuality right down to her memories. Given a serial number of 52533.

52533 fought until the greatest Wars ended, and then it and its ilk were dumped. Tossed aside like broken ragdolls. Now the wars were "over", Lawrik could turn its attention to perfecting previous formulas and trying new ideas rather than creating mechanical monsters on pressing deadlines. Steel soldiers were outdated.

As 52533 wandered the Plains its soul began to heal. Pulling back flashes of memory, of an identity. They became more than just a machine. First they gave themselves a name. Amongst the wild folk and wanderers and unwanted people all with their own names and identities and personalities did 52533 seek theirs. It was a friend whose face is forgotten to time who named them. Jackknife, from the letters their serial code formed on a dial pad text.

Next she realised she was a woman, and that small shred of identity is what she clung to. For years she simply wandered, trading where she could, working at others, building up a reputation as a somewhat-sane steel soldier who didn't ask questions and was efficient about it all. Half lost memories ate at her still, but she learned to ignore their notes and focus on the now. She was briefly hired by a doctor as security, and learnt from him the art of surgery- specifically, dental care. Jackknife began to develop a reputation as a travelling dentist, a much-desired role in the Plains. Her skills are in high demand, and she draws respect all around for her healing skills rather than her killing skills.

At one point on her travels she found a child. A little kelpie slipskin girl named Copper. Jackknife met the girl begging in a bar and something in her flickered in faint recollection. She took Copper with her that night.

JackKnife and her daughter roam the Plains still. Most factions, both man and monster, pay no attention to machines- an apathy that extends to Copper. She travels where she is needed, and she is needed everywhere.