Reborn Gods are the Gods of the New Age.Gods
Reborn Gods are the Gods of the New Age.DER HUND
Judas, aka FAMINEShards
Shards are creatures of immense power born from excess magical residue left after a creation of a Reborn. There are five Shards- Greed (The Merchant) from Contagion, Lust (Father Queen) from War, Envy (Black Dog) from War, Gluttony (Boar Snake) from Famine, and Wrath (Dust) from Famine.FATHER QUEEN
Father Queen was found by Jean-Claude, who realised what they were and took them in for their unique ability to procreate with any monster, even artificial and sterile ones. Using Father Queen allowed Jean-Claude to build an army of intelligent monsters far beyond the capabilities of the usual beasts roaming about. The existence of Father Queen is knowledge only to the monsters.BOAR SNAKE
Boar Snake is a blight upon the Wastelands and is viewed with fear. He hungers constantly, and will decimate crops and herds and even towns in his blind search for any resources. However, he is slow and predictable and can be avoided with the proper precautions… or redirected to another location. He's the eventual terror of any Beast fall and many trading towns have been destroyed by his hunger.THE MERCHANT
The Merchant roams freely across the Wastelands. He buys and sells wares from the cavern of his toad mouth, with strange values and stranger prices. He is not openly hostile and is generally looked upon favourably if warily. Since very few blue-blooded Rift witnesses remain alive, nobody realises what the Merchant is.BLACK FOX
Black Fox poses as many men, many women, many beasts. It doesn't know what it wants to be and so it is everything and nothing all at once, undefined and undecided, hating and wanting more always. Sometimes it kills those it is envious of, wears their bodies and tries to be them only to cast them aside in moments of growing restless and wanting more. It is feared and hated by the people and that only fuels its rage.DUST
Dust is a beast of long patience and little movement. Taking the form of a great black snake she lives and waits quietly in places beyond knowing. When her name is invoked in the spirit of revenge she comes, and the storms of retribution come with her. But her true goal is long-lasting and long-festering. Fear the wrath of a patient man, they say. Fear the snake that waits ever present behind the exit, watching for the moment it can release its wrath upon you. Dust is generally viewed upon favourably as a spirit of revenge and has even gained a small following who believe her to be a god.sunset requiem © kockatriceking . site design by almost sweet