Dragons rule the Cities of God Wars- more specifically 3 dragons.Mikha'el (SEA) , Jibrail (SKY), and Azra'il (EARTH).
Mikha'el, the One Who Is Like God, the Unfaltering Loyalty Born From The Depths, the most powerful of the Dragons, and yet the most human. Mikha'el is known to begin and maintain relationships with humans in his domain, and to form bonds and attachments quite distinct from the detachedness of the Dragon's way. He seems to genuinely care for those he bears upon his back, an affliction the other Dragons scorn him for. A soft heart and pliant personality make Mikha'el perhaps the most obedient of the trio, and yet the same traits lead him to exploiting his abilities to slaughter those he does not consider to be beneficial to his City. He prunes the unwanted himself via vigilante work, unnoticed or at least un-bothered about by the council who oversee him. Perhaps his actions simply ease their conscience?GIBRAIL
Gibrail, The Messenger of Truth, the Speech of Clear Sight Like Crystal, the second born of the Dragon Trio and the one whose heart is empty and hollow like the bones of birds. She lies like a drowning man drinking, weaves stories and tales and truths like clouds in the sky heavy with rain. Gibrail cares not for those she bears on her wings and back, the City of liars as hollow hearted as her own. She sees them as nought but a burden. Parasites would place higher on her list of priorities. Yet she is the one who speaks most with her people- her word is law amongst those who shelter in her thousand wings. Her relationships with them are fraught and snappy, bitter sharp and all too repetitive.AZRA'RIL
Azra'ril, Bearer of Death, the Eternal Casket Lined With Flesh of Stone, the lastborn of the Dragon trio and the one who seeks worship alone. Azra'ril is a Narcissus cursed not as a flower but as a king amongst men, only to be plucked anyway and pressed flat and presented like nothing but a resource to be utilised. Despite this, his strength is mighty- he was the first to return to this world after walking within the Rift. His views on his City are mixed- he loves those who live there for the way they worship his every step, yet hates them knowing they are the ones that bound him there. Without the Binding he'd be alone, yet with it he can never be. A conflict between love and worship in his shallow-dug heart....
Officially, only three Dragons remain. The rest surely perished within the closing of the Rift, or fell through and now roam the Crossroads as amalgamations of conscious thoughts and ideals. No Dragons could remain on Earth beside the Big Three, whose Contracts bind them here. Of course, official does not mean final. Humanity, despite all its claims otherwise, are not the judges, juries, or executioners of this world alone. Other forces are at play. Other forces which may be human or monster or nothing alike mortals at all. Israfil is the Fourth Dragon, the Herald of a New Dawn, Golden Toothed Song Played At Sunrise. The bearer of a waterbound City, this great Dragon resembles Mikha'el to some degree in her aquatic habitat- but her nature is very different. Lithe and lean with the power of fire roiling in her chest, Israfil often lies motionless in deep sea volcanic vents, the City on her chest warmed and safe in her grasp. She was part of the Twelve, the first believer of the Dragon King, and saw the Rift unsullied by any other gaze except his. Unlike the Trio her Contract gives her no obligations towards humanity- she works for her own designs. She can act as she pleases and do as she wills, yet still deigns to host a City upon her for arcane reasons. Whatever the flame serpent may want for, she must surely find it within the group she shelters.sunset requiem © kockatriceking . site design by almost sweet