City of Viperalm Civil Militia

ALIASES: None known
STATUS: Deceased
BLOOD STATUS: Rift-touched, Blue
SEX: Male
AFFLIATIONS: City of Viperalm Civil Militia, PREV. United Forces, Viperalm Division
OCCUPATION: Serving Commander of the City of Viperalm Civil Militia at time of death
PLACE OF DEATH: City of Viperalm
HEIGHT: 175.6
BUILD: Stocky
REMARKS: Refer to Incident Report #39 (GSW) & Incident Report #42 (LODD) for death details. Attached photograph of CMDR. MOULIN is backdated to the CERULEAN CONFLICT, 19PRC.
The stories featuring this character:Details
A dead man who was once a superintendent in Viperalm's police force, and before that served during the Rift wars. The man who gave Jean-Claude her name.Details
The theropod Anghenfil was assigned to a wall patrol team under the command of Commander Jean-Claude Moulin, a Wars veteran and one of the few remaining witnesses of the Closure. While he was reticent to accept the project, the theropod was imprinted on him regardless and he took it on as a new asset. Under Cmdr. Moulin's charge, the theropod Anghenfil proved very efficient and prompted further funding into the Anghenfil project by the Board.
At the same time of the Anghenfil project, Ascent ran another experiment on the recreation of the Wasteland phenomena known as “Slipskins”, humans that could become one with a bonded animal in both mind and body and vice versa at will. While this experiment proved largely a failure, the ability to transfer a human soul into an animal body was discovered.
Cmdr. Moulin was eventually caught aiding Wasteland refugees into Viperalm and was subsequently shot thrice in the chest, arm and neck by a new recruit. However this proved a mistake, as Cmdr. Moulin was wanted alive by the Viperalm board for his Rift knowledge, and he was rushed to surgery in an attempt to save him, or at least his memories. His Anghenfil followed closely behind, unable to be parted from her handler and unable to understand why he was away from her. The team worked rapidly, but the damage to Moulin's already-aged body proved too much and there simply was no way to save him. Yet they needed his memory. A drastic decision was made.
Commander Jean-Claude Moulin's mind was implanted into the body of his beloved Anghenfil using the Project Slipskin technology. It was a last ditch attempt to preserve his knowledge. Once the operation was complete, it was expected that the Commander's soul would win out over the Anghenfil and he would reawaken as a man in a monster's body, still very much sound in mind, personality, and most importantly memory.
That hypothesis was proved wrong when the beast awoke not as the Commander, nor as the animal, but as an entirely new intelligent being with the knowledge of Moulin and the instincts of the Anghenfil. The new beast proved unruly and impossible to reason with or control, with an entirely animal psyche yet the reasoning and logic of a man, and was subsequently scheduled for destruction.